We are creating strategic games beacause we think they are really underestimated. Playing games is socializing and fun, but it also help you develop your cognitive functions. Especially strategy games like chess or vikings chess. Find out more about our games!
Hnefatafl know well as vikings chess is ancient nordic and celtic strategy board game played on a checkered or latticed gameboard. Our version of this game will soon be avaible!

Augmented reality chess
Regardless of the distance that separates us, our goal is to make products that bring us closer to each other. That’s why we decided to dress our love for classical chess in augmented reality technologies, so that everyone can enjoy them in a way that suits them best. Also we want make playing chess more than board, pawns or computer. We want to combaine those things and make something brand new! Check what we have prepared for you!

Functional hand exoskeleton for active training and rehabilitation
This solution will create an automated independent rehabilitation model
that will allow for rehabilitation of people with special needs at home
(with the support of physiotherapists).